Trio Programs

Disability Resource Center

The Disability Resource Center is a comprehensive program designed to promote access, retention and academic success in partnership with Henderson students, faculty and staff. Students may find that they need access to a variety of resources to achieve their academic and career goals. At the Disability Resource Center, we pride ourselves on providing many services that help to promote academic access for students with disabilities. These services may be just what you need to meet your goals.


Adapted Testing

Extended time, distraction reduced environment and other testing accommodations are available to eligible participants.

Alternative Print Format

Access to textbook and class materials for eligible participants in audio, e-text, large print or Braille formats.

Assistive/Adaptive Technology

A variety of technology is available to enhance access to learning:

  • Assistive Listening Devices
  • Audio Textbook players
  • Braille
  • Calculators– Enhanced display
  • Franklin Spellers
  • Dragon Naturally Speaking
  • Line Readers
  • Zoom Text with speech
  • Natural Reader
  • Portable CCTV
  • Ruby Handheld Magnifier
  • Intel Reader
  • Smart Pens
  • Laptops and more

Assistive Technology Computer Lab

Our computer lab has assistive technology available for students to use, in addition to CCTV.

Guidance and Advisement

Our education specialists help students navigate the university system, decide on majors, and learn strategies to achieve academic and personal success. We also offer personal, career, and academic guidance.


Access to classroom notes may be provided to eligible participants.

Success Strategies

Participants may receive information through individual or group programming on topics such as:

  • Time management
  • Organizational techniques
  • Stress/relaxation strategies
  • Reading for success
  • Test taking strategies
  • Business etiquette

Financial Information

  • Personal Finance
  • Financial Aid Process
  • Scholarships


Participants may receive individual tutoring provided by a peer who is familiar with course content.

Residence Life

We provide assistance with requesting accessible housing assignment considerations.

The Disability Resource Center is located on the first floor of Foster Hall. Visit us to find out if any of these services are right for you.


Disability Resource Center (First Floor Foster Hall)
Henderson State University
1100 Henderson Street
Box 7594
Arkadelphia, AR 71999-0001
Phone: 870-230-5475
Fax: 870-230-5473