Election Committee
This is the committee that will hold special elections for the Staff Senate, and it will also conduct the main Staff Senate election at the end of the year. The constitution says that the committee is to follow these guidelines:
- Be appointed by the Senate President
- Consist of one Senator from each University area
- Shall be bound by the guidelines provided in Articles IV and IX of this Constitution.
Members: Brenda Driggers (Academic Affairs) - Chair, Jarrod Brady (Student Affairs), Jennifer Holbrook (Finance & Administration)
Textbook Scholarship Committee
This committee meets to determine the individual that will receive the Textbook Scholarship. The scholarship is $100 that can be used in the Reddie bookstore for that designated semester. The recipient is determined by reviewing any applications received and narrowing it down to one person. This process is done in the fall and in the spring.Scholarships may be submitted by campus mail to the chair.
Members: Mackenzie Echols (Academic Affairs) - Chair
Fall Application Deadline: August 12, 2020
Textbook Scholarship Application
Spring Application Deadline: December 2, 2020
Survey & SGC Committee
This committee meets to create and conduct surveys as needed by the Staff Senate. The demand for surveys will be determined by the Staff Senate and its goals. Chair of this committee will serve as staff-at-large on the University Shared Governance Committee.
Members: Amber Bailey (Academic Affairs)
Staff Handbook Committee
This committee meets to review and update the staff handbook.
Members: Carrie Burt (Advancement), Johnny Campbell (Finance & Administration), Ken Angell (Academic Affairs)
Staff Emergency Fund Committee
This committee meets to explore sustainable funding options, the application process, and the selection process.
Members: Martha Bryant (Student Affairs), Victoria Mirocke (Academic Affairs), Carrie Stanley (Academic Affairs)
Faculty Representative
Wilica Morgan (Students Affairs) - Chair
Staff Recognition Awards Committee
This Committee is appointed by the committees on committees.