At Henderson State, we believe that the news media serves as an important link in providing information to the public about a variety of important issues, including higher education. That’s why we work to develop and maintain strong relationships with reporters, editors and news producers. We regularly provide the media with news tips, sources, story ideas and information about the events on campus. We welcome the opportunity to help arrange visits to campus, interviews and photo opportunities. Please follow a few guidelines so that we can best serve you.
News Media on Campus
We love to have you visit campus. Please contact the Office of Marketing and Communications before the visit so that we can ensure the privacy requests of our students, faculty and staff are followed. We will be glad to coordinate parking on campus and help arrange interviews. If you are coming for an event we have publicized in a news release, however, there is no need to call before arriving.
Henderson faculty and administration welcome the opportunity to speak with the media. We can connect you with experts who are ready to help you with your story. Please contact the Office of Marketing and Communications with your requests, and we will assist in scheduling a personal or telephone interview. Please contact
Freedom of Information Act Requests
Please submit Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests to