College Board’s College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) allows students to demonstrate mastery of college-level material in introductory (lower-division) subject areas. The following CLEP exams are accepted by Henderson State for credit.
Score - Henderson Course - Credits
Analyzing and Interpreting Literature
50 - ENG 2053 Studies in Literature - 3 hours
Financial Accounting
50 - ACC 2013 Principles of Accounting A - 3 hours
Introductory Business Law
50 - GBU 3143 Legal Environment of Business - 3 hours
Principles of Macroeconomics
50 - ECO 2013 Principles of Macroeconomics - 3 hours
Principles of Microeconomics
50 - ECO 2023 Principles of Microeconomics - 3 hours
Principle of Management
50 - MGM 3113 Management & Org Behavior - 3 hours
Principles of Marketing
50 - MKT 3013 Fundamentals of Marketing - 3 hours
American Literature
50 - ENG 3063 & ENG3073: Survey of American Lit I & II - 6 hours
College Composition
50 - ENG 1463 Fresh Eng A & ENG 1473 Fresh Eng B - 6 hours
English Literature
50 - ENG 3083 & ENG 3093: Survey of English Lit I & II - 6 hours
French Language
Applies to the single exam covering Level 1 and Level 2 content.
50 - FRE 1013 & FRE 1023: French 1 & 2 - Two Semesters
59 - FRE 1013, 1023, 2033, 2043: French 1, 2, 3, & 4 - Four Semesters
German Language
Applies to the single exam covering Level 1 and level 2 content.
50 - GER 1013 & GER 1023: German 1 & 2 - Two Semesters
60 - GER 1013, 1023, 2033, 2043: German 1, 2, 3, & 4 - Four Semesters
Spanish Language
Applies to the single exam covering Level 1 and Level 2 content.
50 - SPA 1013 & SPA 1023: Spanish 1 & 2 - Two Semesters
63 - SPA 1013, 1023, 2033, 2043: Spanish 1, 2, 3, & 4 - Four Semesters
American Government
50 - PSC 1013 American National Government - 3 hours
American History I
50 - HIS 2053 U. S. to 1877 - 3 hours
American History II
50 - HIS 2063 U. S. since 1877 - 3 hours
Introductory Psychology
50 - PSY 1013 General Psychology - 3 hours
Introductory Sociology
50 - SOC 1013 Introduction to Sociology - 3 hours
Western Civilization I
50 - HIS 1013 World Civilization to 1660 - 3 hours
Western Civilization II
50 - HIS 1023 World Civilization since 1660 - 3 hours
50 - Not available for HSU students. - 5 hours
College Math
50 - MTH 1033 Mathematics for Liberal Arts - 3 hours
College Algebra
50 - MTH 1243 College Algebra - 3 hours
50 - MTH 1253 Plane Trigonometry - 3 hours
50 - MTH 1273 Precalculus Mathematics - 3 hours
50 - BIO 1013 Introduction to Biology & BIO 1021 Introduction to Biology Lab - 4 hours
50 - CHM 1014 University Chemistry I - 4 hours
Intro to Educational Psychology
50 - EDU 4123 Educational Psychology - 3 hours
Business majors or minors may not receive degree credit for CLEP business courses.