Interlibrary Loan (ILL)
Can't find the book or article that you want here at Huie Library? You may be able to get it from another library through Interlibrary Loan (ILL). You may need to contact the library to ensure your library account is active and current, then you may submit an Interlibrary Loan request HERE.
Library Instruction
Huie librarians provide a brief (around 15 minutes) introduction to the library services that include Inter library loan process, catalog searching, and database overview. Please contact Library Director Natalie Scrimshire,, to schedule a library instruction session in the Huie Computer Classroom.
Course Reserves
Find your Course Reserves for your class by searching for either your class or your professor's name. Faculty, please contact Linda Evans,, for information about Course Reserves.
Your Huie Account
Log into Your Huie Account (and select sign in at the top right) to view titles that you have checked out, check due dates, and renew items to keep them longer. If you are a distance student taking classes outside of Arkadelphia, please contact the Circulation Desk 870-230-5957 or 870-230-5958.