Academic Forum

Academic Forum #37 Call for Papers

Call for Papers: Academic Forum #37

Deadline for Submissions: March 15, 2020

The Academic Forum is an official publication of Henderson State University dedicated to representing the scholastic achievements of the Henderson community. Faculty, staff, students, and alumni are all encouraged to submit original works of scholarship. Undergraduate students must be sponsored by a faculty member in order to submit. Distribution occurs both in print and digitally, and authors are given one contributor's copy.

Submissions to the 2019-2020 Academic Forum will be accepted until March 15, 2020. Copyright will be maintained by the author, so publication in AF will not preclude publication elsewhere.

All disciplines represented across Henderson’s diverse campus are encouraged to submit to this equally diverse publication. Previous articles include submissions on entomophagy (the eating of bugs), book reviews, a study of lottery ticket sales, pedagogy, literary analysis, archaeology of local indigenous habitation, a cultural study of Hazara unity in Afghanistan, an explanation of a QR-based polynomial solver algorithm, and much more.

We ask that submissions be written with a general audience in mind.


Academic Forum
1100 Henderson Street
HSU BOX 7782
Arkadelphia, AR 71999

AF’s publishing Ethics

Before publication, submissions to AF go through a preliminary assessment involving review and approval by an author’s peers. These evaluations are similar to editing notes and consist of constructive feedback. The peer-reviewing process for AF is operated on a blind reading basis; each submission is read by the editor(s) and by two additional readers with redacted biographical details. The reviewer’s and the author’s identities are concealed from one another to encourage unbiased feedback. Submissions are made anonymous by our editors before the peer-reviewing process begins, and criticism is always encouraged to remain constructive.

Style Guide

Submissions not adhering to these guidelines may be disqualified.

Submit two paper copies for review by the proofreaders. Two-sided copies are acceptable to save paper.

Each submission should include, in this order:

  • Title
  • Author's name, title, and department, and mailing address (If the author is a student, then also include the mentor's information.)
  • A brief abstract of no more than 250 words
  • The body of the submission
  • A brief biographical sketch of the author

Submit one electronic copy via email to

  • Microsoft Office Word format
  • Single-spaced, 1-inch margins, 12-point font
  • Please do not include pagination, headers, text boxes, text columns, endnotes, embedded commands, etc. Footnotes are fine.
  • The entire paper, including the title page and biographical sketch, should reside in a single file.