Academic Forum

Academic Forum 2001–02 / Number 19

Marck L. Beggs, Ph.D.

Associate Editor
Michael R. Lloyd, Ph.D.

Second Readers
Lea Ann Alexander, M.L.S.
Peggy Bailey, Ph.D.
Mitzi Bass, M.A.
Sarah Evans, B.A.
Mary Kate Terrell, M.L.A.
Anita Williams, Ph.D.
Cindy Williams, M.S.E.

Faculty Research Committee
Renn Tumlison, Ph.D. - Chair
Pamela Davis, Ph.D.
John Graves, Ph.D.
Kenneth Green, M.B.A.
Dylan Savage, D.M.
Doris Wright, M.B.A.

Authors have employed a form and style appropriate to their respective disciplines. The editor wished to express appreciation to the readers who have reviewed the articles. In most cases, an article was referred by two faculty members with competence in the author's field. Copyrights are retained by the authors. Republication or reproduction requires their consent.

Thank you to the authors whose contributions continue to make Academic Forum a success and to Penny Murphy for the cover art.

Typesetting: Marck L. Beggs
Webpage: Michael Lloyd


William C. Gentry
The Morality of Using "Surplus" Human Embryos in Stem Cell Research

Kevin K. J. Durand
Whitehead's Philosophy of Civilization: Ideas, Great Individuals, Education, and the Problem of Collective Action

Paula Bailey
Daughters, Wives, and Widows: A Study of Anglo-Saxon and Anglo-Norman Noble Women

David H. Evans
Nursing the Blues: The Remarkable Alberta Hunter (1895-1984)

Jonathan Young
Reflections: An Oral History

Clinton P. E. Atchley
The Audience of Jacob's Well: Problems of Interpretation

Michael Ray Taylor
Strange Attractors: Science and Journalism in the 21st Century

Renn Tumlison
"My Two Cents": A Teaching Tool

Sandy M. Smith
A Concept Development of Ethical Enculturation for the Education of Baccalaureate Nursing Students

Dan Festa, Angie Bell, and Krystal Harris
A Look at the Gender Differences Between College Students in a Public Versus a Private University and Their Coping Skills Related to Death, Dying, and Bereavement

Kathleen Hall and Todd Wiebers
Effectiveness of Bayesian Instructions as a Function of Trial Valence and Serology Evidence

Bobby Medlin, Ken Green, Jr., and Dwayne Whitten
Peer Evaluations at AACSB-Accredited Institutions

Ken Green and Srinivas Nippani
The Macroeconomic Results of Applied Keynesian and Supply-Side Policies in the United States (1960-1982 and 1983-1998)

Michael Lloyd
Hearing Trig Functions

Fred Worth
On Periodic Points of Maps of Trees and Expansive Property

Henry Pérez
A Little Love by C. C. Medina

Havana Heat: A Lupe Solano Mystery by Carolina García-Aguilera

Mi Moto Fidel: Motorcycling Through Castro's Cuba by Christopher P. Baker

Anita Williams
The Myth of Excellence: Why Great Companies Never Try to be the Best at Everything by Fred Crawford and Ryan Mathews