Academic Forum

Academic Forum 1998–99 / Number 16

Marck L. Beggs

Associate Editor
Michael Lloyd

Faculty Research Committee
Margaret Hoskins, Chair
Beverly Buys
John Hardee
Wayne McGinnis
Georgine Steinmiller
Doris Wright

Second Readers
Mitzi Bass
Michael Casey
Travis Langley
John Long
Dan Marsh
Ann Smith
Michael Ray Taylor
David Thomson
Todd Wiebers
Fred Worth

Copyrights are retained by the authors. Republication or reproduction requires their consent.

"Evelyn Waugh--That's What's Wrong with England"
Patrick Adcock

Good King Richard? An Account of Richard III and His Reputation by Jeremy Potter (Book Review)
Lea Ann Alexander

"Translating the Gospel Back Into Tongues": A Survey of Contemporary Arkansas Poetry
Marck L. Beggs

Risk Premia of Alumium Forwards: A Guide for the Trader in the Primary Aluminum Metals Market
Clint Brown and Shekar Shetty

Flatulence and Chemistry: An Introductory Enzyme Experiment
John R. Hardee, Tina M. Montgomery, and Wray H. Jones

The First Decade of Sexual Harassment Research: Attributions in the Eighties
Travis Langley

Ideology and Party Identification: A Learning Design
Jeddy LeVar

Workshop on Mathematics in Industry
Michael R. Lloyd

The Nontraditional Student: A Neglected Resource?
Emma Lou May (Mentor: Ramona Akin)

A Review of Equatorial Spread F
Rick McDaniel

Culture and Sexuality: Women in Raining Backwards
Henry Pérez

Japanese Internment in Arkansas
Jeff Sorrells (Mentor: Ann Smith)

Flag Burning
Joi Straight (Mentor: Marck L. Beggs)

Mathematics: One of the Liberal Arts
Fred Worth