The mission of the Showband of Arkansas is to represent, foster, and promote the “Reddie Spirit” through musical and visual performance. Comprised of students from a wide variety of academic disciplines, the Showband of Arkansas regularly thrills thousands of Reddie fans at home football games, travels to exciting away games, and has performed as a featured exhibition band at high school marching contests in both Arkansas and Texas.
The Showband consists of four main components: brass, woodwinds, percussion, and color guard. Membership is open to all university students regardless of major, and is by audition only. A placement audition for all musicians is required for membership and part assignment. The Colorguard and Drum Majors are selected by audition in the spring of each year as well.
The Showband rehearses three times per week on Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays from 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm in the fall semester. Pre-season training takes place approximately one week before the start of classes in the fall and the course may be repeated for credit.
The Showband of Arkansas also has two very active and helpful honorary fraternal organizations, the Theta Phi Chapter of the national honorary band fraternity Kappa Kappa Psi, and the Theta Theta Chapter of the national honorary band sorority Tau Beta Sigma, whose purposes are to build a better band through service, whenever and wherever needed.
Nevada Mills
Director of Bands